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25 Exciting Drinking Games Without Cards

When it comes to social gatherings and parties, drinking games have a way of adding fun and excitement to the mix. While card-based drinking games are popular, there’s a whole world of creativity waiting to be explored with games that don’t require a deck of cards. 

A group of friends playing drinking games in the living room

Whether you’re hosting a casual get-together, a birthday bash, or a night in with friends, these 25 drinking games without cards will keep the laughter and spirits flowing. Let’s dive in!

1. Flip Cup


How to Play:

Divide into two teams and stand facing each other across a table. Each player has a plastic cup filled with a drink (usually beer). Players take turns drinking their beverage and then attempt to flip the cup upside down by flicking the rim with their fingers. 

The first team to successfully flip all their cups wins the round.

2. Quarters


  • A quarter
  • A cup
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Players sit around a table with a cup of beer in front of them. Taking turns, each player tries to bounce a quarter off the table and into the cup of beer.

If successful, they can choose another player to drink.

3. Power Hour


  • Shot glasses
  • A timer or clock
  • And plenty of beer…

How to Play:

This game requires a timer set for one hour. Every minute, everyone takes a shot of beer. The goal is to see who can keep up for the entire hour.

It’s essential to pace yourself, as this game can get challenging!

4. I Have A Question


  • Creative questions
  • Beverages

How to Play:

This is one of the most fun and engaging drinking games without cards that is easy to play. All you need is a group of people, a bottle of your favourite drink, and some creativity.

To start the game, one person asks a question, and everyone else takes turns answering the question with another question.

The key is that the question has to be related to the previous question, and it has to be asked in a timely manner. If someone takes too long to answer, repeats a question, or asks a question that’s not related to the previous question, they have to take a drink. The game continues until someone bowls out or finishes the drink.

Tips for playing the Game:

To have a successful game night, you need to be prepared. Here are some tips to help you play ‘I Have a Question’ like a pro.

The first thing you need is a good sense of humour. You should be ready to laugh at yourself and others.

Second, you need to be quick-witted and creative. You need to think on your feet and come up with questions or answers that are accurate to the game.

Thirdly, You should pace your drink. It’s all about having fun, not getting wasted.

Fourth, You should play in a safe environment where players feel comfortable and free to express themselves.

5. Beer Pong

A group of friends is playing beer pong.


  • Ping pong balls
  • Plastic cups
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Set up a table with cups filled partially with beer in a triangular formation on each end. Teams or individuals take turns trying to throw ping-pong balls into their opponent’s cups.

When a ball lands in a cup, the opposing team must drink the contents of the cup.

6. Never Have I Ever


  • No equipment is needed, just your drinks and your stories

How to Play:

Players take turns sharing something they’ve never done, beginning with the phrase “Never have I ever…” For example, “Never have I ever been skydiving.” Anyone who has done that action takes a drink.

Here is a list of examples for Never Have I Ever questions.

It’s a revealing game that can lead to interesting conversations!

7. Buzz


  • No equipment is needed, just your drinks and the ability to count 

How to Play:

Players sit in a circle and take turns counting, but instead of saying specific numbers (e.g., 7), they say “buzz.” If someone makes a mistake, they take a drink.

The game continues until someone messes up, or it becomes challenging to keep track.

8. Drunk Jenga

Group of friends playing drunk Jenga.


  • A Jenga set with rules or challenges written on the blocks
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Create a set of Jenga blocks with rules or challenges written on them. As players take turns removing a block from the tower, they must perform the action written on the block.

This can include assigning drinks, doing dares, or telling embarrassing stories.

Additional similar drinking games to explore:

9. Arrogance


  • Beverages
  • A pint glass (ideally) for pouring drinks into

How to Play:

Players take turns pouring a small amount of their drink into a communal glass in the centre. The goal is to build a “death cup.”

The first person to refuse to pour their drink into the collective glass must drink the entire concoction.

I wrote an in-depth article about the Arrogance Drinking Game if this is something you fancy trying out with your pals!

10. Flip, Sip, or Strip


  • A coin
  • Beverages

How to Play:

In this daring game, players take turns flipping a coin. If it lands on “heads,” they choose someone else to drink, and if it lands on “tails,” they drink. If it lands on the edge, they must strip a piece of clothing.

The game can get wild as it progresses, especially if players are feeling adventurous.

11. Movie Drinking Game

Five friends playing movie drinking game


  • A movie 
  • A set of predefined drinking rules

How to Play:

Choose a movie to watch with your friends. Before starting, establish a set of rules. For example, you can decide to take a drink whenever a specific word is mentioned, a certain character appears on screen, or a particular event occurs in the movie. As you watch, follow the rules and take drinks accordingly.

Here are five movies that are popular for a movie drinking game:

  1. The Hangover
  2. Step Brothers
  3. John Wick
  4. The Big Lebowski
  5. Any Star Wars movie

This game adds an interactive twist to movie night, making even the dullest movies entertaining!

12. Roxanne


  • Bring your singing voice (…if you have one)
  • Beverages

How to Play:

This might be one of the most popular drinking games without cards! All you need is a group of people, a bottle of your favourite drink, and two things that play the well-known song “Roxanne” by The Police.

To play the game, you need to split the group into two teams.

One team drinks every time the word “Roxanne” is sung, and the other team drinks every time “Red Light” is sung. The game continues until the song is over.

You can check the lyrics for the Roxanne song here if you want to sing with the song (…it’s alright to sing even if you don’t sound good).

This is a challenging game, and it requires players to be alert and focused!

13. Caps


  • Bottle caps
  • A cup
  • Beverages

How to Play:

For this game, you need bottle caps and a cup filled with beer for each player. Players take turns flicking bottle caps toward the cup. If you successfully land a hat in the cup, you get to choose someone else to drink.

Be prepared for some challenging shots and plenty of laughs!

14. Flip-Flop


  • Plastic cups 
  • Beverages

How to Play:

The rules of Flip-Flop are pretty simple. First, divide your group into two teams and have each team stand on opposite sides of a table. Each team should have a cup filled with beer. The game starts with one player from each team trying to flip their cup by tossing it in the air and catching it with the back of their hand.

If the player successfully catches the cup, they pass it to the next player on their team. If they fail to catch it, they have to drink the beer in their cup and then try flipping it again. The game continues until one team successfully flips all their cups.

Tips on how to win Flip-Flop:

Flip-Flop is not just a game of luck but also one of skill. If you want to win, you need to practice your flipping skills. This is probably the hardest game on the drinking games without cards list. Here are some tips that might help you:

  • Keep an eye on the cup: Make sure you’re looking at the cup while flipping it, so you have a better chance of catching it.
  • Use your wrist: Try to use your wrist to give the cup some spin. This will help you control the cup and make it easier to catch.
  • Practice makes perfect: The more you practice, the better you’ll get. So, don’t be afraid to keep trying.

Variations of Flip-Flop:

Like most drinking games, there are many different variations of Flip-Flop. Here are a few versions you might want to try:

  • One-Handed Flip-Flop: In this version, players can only use one hand to flip and catch the cup.
  • Blind Flip-Flop: In this version, players have to close their eyes while flipping the cup.
  • Slow-Mo Flip-Flop: In this version, players have to flip the cup in slow motion. This makes it harder to catch the cup and can add an extra challenge to the game.

15. Drunk Waiter


  • Trays 
  • Plastic cups filled with various drinks

How to Play:

You’ll need trays and glasses filled with various drinks to play this game. Players take turns acting as waiters, carrying the tray with the drinks around the room. The goal is to serve the drinks to other players without spilling them.

If players spill any of the glasses, they must drink what’s left on the tray.

16. Truth or Drink

5 friends playing truth or dare


  • No equipment needed
  • Just your questions and your drinks

How to Play:

I had to include this game with the drinking games without cards list. Like the classic Truth or Dare game, players take turns asking each other personal questions. If someone refuses to answer, they must take a drink instead.

It’s a game that can lead to revealing and hilarious moments, so be prepared to share and drink.

17. Spin the Bottle


  • A bottle
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Sit in a circle, place an empty bottle in the centre, and take turns spinning it. When the bottle stops spinning, the person it points to must take a shot or drink.

This game can add an element of unpredictability and fun to any gathering.

18. Most Likely


  • Plastic cups 
  • Beverages

How to Play:

The rules are simple: one person reads out a statement starting with “most likely,” and everyone points at the person they think is most likely to have done what’s mentioned in the statement.

For example, “most likely to have kissed a celebrity” or “most likely to have been arrested.” If the person being pointed at agrees that they have done it, they must take a sip of their drink. Check out this blog for more ‘most likely’ questions.

As the game goes on, people tend to get a little wilder with their statements. So be sure to set some ground rules before the game even begins. For example, decide on the number of sips people should take for each statement and how long the game will go on. It’s also crucial to make sure everyone is playing safely and not driving home after too many drinks.

One of the best things about Most Likely is its versatility. You can change up the questions to match the vibe of the party or to make them more personal to the group playing. You can even customize the questions for specific events or holidays. So if you’re playing around Halloween, add in some spooky statements, or for a birthday party, add some questions about the birthday person.

19. Beer Baseball


  • Plastic cups
  • Ping pong balls
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Set up cups as bases on a table or countertop. Teams or players take turns throwing a ping pong ball at the cups to move “runners” around the bases. Runners advance or retreat, and players drink accordingly, depending on where the ball lands.

The game continues until all runners have scored or been tagged out.

20. Drunk Charades

A group of friends playing drunk Charades.


  • No equipment is needed, just your acting skills and beverages

How to Play:

Play a traditional game of charades but with a twist. When someone guesses incorrectly, both the person acting and the guesser must take a drink.

This game combines creativity with the challenge of acting under the influence, resulting in lots of laughter. I have to say that this is my favourite game on this list of drinking games without cards.

21. Drunk Artist


  • Blindfold
  • Paper
  • Marker or pen
  • Beverages

How to Play:

In this creative and hilarious game, one player at a time takes on the role of the “artist.” Blindfolded and armed with a marker or pen and a sheet of paper, the artist attempts to draw a picture of something the group chose. The catch is that the artist cannot see their drawing. The other players must guess what the artist is drawing within a specified time limit.

If someone guesses correctly, the artist doesn’t have to drink. However, if no one guesses correctly, the artist must take a drink, and a new artist is chosen.

22. Flip Cup Relay


How to Play:

Flip Cup Relay is an exciting team-based game. Divide your group into two teams, and set up cups filled with beer in a line on each side of a table. Each player on a team takes their turn one at a time. The objective is to drink from their cup and flip it upside down by flicking the rim with their fingers. Once they successfully flip the cup, the next player on their team can go.

The first team to finish flipping all their cups wins the game. It’s a fast-paced and competitive drinking game.

23. Shot Glass Roulette


  • A roulette wheel with numbers
  • Labelled shot glasses

How to Play:

To play Shot Glass Roulette, you’ll need a roulette wheel with numbers 1-36 on it and a set of shot glasses, each labelled with a different number. Players take turns spinning the roulette wheel. The number it lands on corresponds to a specific shotglass. The player must then drink the shot with the matching number in the glass.

This game adds an element of chance and excitement to your party, and it’s perfect for those who enjoy a variety of shots.

24. Boat Races


  • Pitchers filled with beer for each team
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Boat Races is an excellent game for larger groups. Divide your group into teams and designate a “captain” for each team. Each captain is responsible for filling a pitcher with beer. The objective is for the team to drink the entire pitcher of beer as quickly as possible.

The first team to finish their pitcher wins the race. This game is competitive and sure to get the adrenaline pumping.

Check out my Boat Race Drinking Game article out, where I go more in-depth about the rules and how to set it all up for your pals!

25. Drunk Bingo

Drunk bingo is one of the drinking games without cards


  • Bingo cards with actions or challenges
  • Beverages

How to Play:

Traditional Bingo gets a boozy twist in this game. Create Bingo cards with various actions, events, or challenges that can occur during your party. These can be things like “Someone spills a drink,” “Two people high-five,” or “Someone tells a bad joke.” Players mark off the actions or events on their Bingo cards as the party unfolds. The first player to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo!” and gets to choose someone to drink as their prize.

Drunk Bingo adds an element of unpredictability to your gathering and encourages everyone to keep an eye out for funny moments!


In conclusion, these 25 drinking games without cards are the ultimate recipe for a hilariously memorable weekend with friends. Whether you fancy a game of “Beer Pong” or unleash your inner artist in a wild round of “Drunk Charades,” there’s something here to suit every taste and sense of humour. So gather your comrades, stock up on beverages, and prepare for an uproarious adventure filled with laughter, questionable dance moves, and unforgettable moments.

However, just remember to drink responsibly (and perhaps invest in some stain remover) – because when it comes to creating epic memories with friends, someone always tends to be over the top and spill a drink…Anyway, these games are guaranteed to be a fun night with your pals, cheers! 

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