Home » How To Play The Shrek Drinking Game: Step-By-Step Guide

How To Play The Shrek Drinking Game: Step-By-Step Guide

Have you ever wondered how to play the Shrek Drinking Game? I’ve got you covered!

Are you ready to add some ogre-sized fun to your movie night? Look no further than the Shrek Drinking Game! Gather your friends, grab your favourite beverages, and get ready to embark on a hilarious journey through the whimsical world of Shrek. From witty banter to unexpected plot twists, this drinking game guarantees a night filled with laughter and camaraderie. Picture this: you and your friends gathered around the screen, drinks in hand, as the iconic green ogre and his hilarious sidekick, Donkey, embark on a fantastical adventure. From witty banter to unexpected plot twists, Shrek never fails to entertain, and with the added twist of the drinking game, the fun reaches a whole new level.

Shrek Drinking Game

So, let’s dive into the swamp and discover what this game has in store!

Before you delve into the uproarious rules of the Shrek Drinking Game, why not embark on a cosmic adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy drinking game? Join Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Drax as they traverse the galaxy in this action-packed Marvel masterpiece. With its blend of humour, heart, and epic soundtrack, Guardians of the Galaxy promises an exhilarating experience for all!

Anyway, let’s get cracking with the rules below!

Equipment Needed

  • A copy of the Shrek movie (DVD, Blu-ray, or streaming)
  • Plenty of your favourite beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
  • Shot glasses or cups for each player

The Rules

  1. Designated Drinking Triggers: Before starting the movie, it’s essential to establish the designated drinking triggers. These triggers are specific moments or occurrences in the film that prompt players to take a sip of their beverage. They add an element of anticipation and excitement to the game, keeping everyone engaged throughout the movie.
  2. Drink Responsibly: While the Shrek Drinking Game is all about having fun, it’s crucial to drink responsibly. Make sure to pace yourself and know your limits. If you’re enjoying alcoholic beverages, be mindful of how much you’re consuming and consider alternating with water or non-alcoholic drinks. The goal is to enjoy the movie and the company of friends without overindulging.
  3. No Spoilers: To ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the game, it’s essential to avoid giving away any spoilers. If you’ve seen the movie before, refrain from revealing any plot twists or major moments that could spoil the fun for others. Let each player experience the surprises and excitement of Shrek as they unfold on screen.
  4. Interactive Experience: The Shrek Drinking Game transforms the viewing experience into an interactive and social event. Encourage players to engage with each other throughout the movie, whether it’s by sharing laughs, commenting on the action, or discussing their favorite characters and moments. This interactive element enhances the enjoyment of the game and strengthens the bonds between players.
  5. Variations and Adaptations: Feel free to customize the game to suit the preferences and dynamics of your group. You can add new drinking triggers, modify existing ones, or create special rules to enhance the gameplay. Additionally, consider incorporating bonus rounds, challenges, or rewards to spice things up and keep players on their toes. The key is to be creative and adapt the game to make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone involved.
  6. Most importantly: Have fun and enjoy the Shrek experience!

Step-by-Step Guide

Shrek drinking game with friends
  1. Set up the viewing area with comfortable seating and ample space for drinks.
  2. Pop in your copy of Shrek and make sure everyone has their beverages ready.
  3. Review the drinking triggers with all players before starting the movie.
  4. Press play and let the Shrek Drinking Game begin!
  5. Laugh, sip, and enjoy the movie while keeping an eye out for the designated triggers.
  6. After the movie ends, tally up the scores and declare a winner (if you’re keeping track).

Drink Once Every Time

  • Shrek says “Donkey.”
  • Donkey makes a pop culture reference.
  • Lord Farquaad’s height is mentioned or made fun of.
  • Fiona demonstrates her feisty attitude.
  • A fairytale character makes an appearance.
  • The Gingerbread Man loses a limb or body part.
  • Shrek roars.
  • Donkey sings or hums a tune.
  • Puss in Boots gives someone “the look.”
  • The Dragon makes an appearance.

Drink Twice Every Time

  • Shrek makes a sarcastic remark.
  • Donkey annoys Shrek.
  • Lord Farquaad shows his villainous side.
  • Fiona reveals a surprising secret.
  • Pinocchio lies.
  • The Three Blind Mice cause mischief.
  • Shrek and Donkey argue.
  • The Magic Mirror speaks in rhyme.
  • Fiona transforms into an ogre.
  • The Fairy Godmother sings a song.


Why stick to the same old routine when you can shake things up with a twist in the rules of the Shrek Drinking Game? Injecting an element of unpredictability adds an exciting layer to the experience, keeping everyone on their toes and the laughter flowing. Whether it’s doubling the drinks for certain triggers or introducing new rules altogether, the possibilities are endless.

Just remember to stay hydrated and have plenty of snacks on hand to keep the fun going strong without any unwanted side effects in the morning. So, grab your drinks, gather your friends, and get ready for a night of laughter, surprises, and unforgettable memories with the revamped Shrek Drinking Game!

Finish Your Drink Every Time

  • Shrek rescues Fiona.
  • Donkey flirts with the Dragon.
  • Lord Farquaad shows off his vanity.
  • Fiona saves the day.
  • The Gingerbread Man is tortured.
  • Shrek and Fiona share a tender moment.
  • Donkey gets into trouble.
  • The Magic Mirror provides crucial information.
  • Puss in Boots uses his “cute eyes” to manipulate someone.
  • The movie ends with a happy resolution.

🤩 Additional similar drinking games to explore:

5 Fun Facts About the Shrek Movie

shrek drinking game in the weekend
  1. Shrek was originally planned to be voiced by Chris Farley, but after his untimely death, Mike Myers took over the role.
  2. The film’s animators used over 60 different software programs to create the stunning visuals.
  3. Shrek was the first film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, introduced in 2001.
  4. The character of Fiona was inspired by actress Cameron Diaz’s distinctive voice and personality.
  5. Eddie Murphy, the voice of Donkey, improvised many of his lines, adding to the spontaneity and humor of the film.


The Shrek Drinking Game offers a hilarious way to experience this beloved animated classic. With its quirky characters, memorable quotes, and heartwarming moments, Shrek never fails to entertain. So gather your friends, raise your glasses, and toast to a night of ogre-sized fun.

Just remember to drink responsibly and enjoy the laughter and camaraderie that come with playing the Shrek Drinking Game. Cheers to a night you’ll never forget!

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