Home » How To Play The Cornhole Drinking Game

How To Play The Cornhole Drinking Game

Nothing screams summer fun like a good old-fashioned game of cornhole. But have you ever considered spicing things up a bit and turning it into a drinking game? Enter: The Cornhole Drinking Game. This game is perfect for long summer days spent by the pool or backyard BBQs with friends. In this guide, we will delve into the ultimate set of rules to create an exciting and unforgettable drinking experience. And don’t worry if you don’t have any equipment, we have a blog about 25 drinking games that don’t require any equipment.

Friends playing the cornhole drinking game

In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Cornhole Drinking Game. From its origins to step-by-step guidelines on how to play the game, we have got you covered!

Origins of the Game

The cornhole drinking game has its roots in the Midwest, specifically in Ohio, where it was played as a tailgating game. However, there is no specific record of its creation. It is believed to have originated in the 19th century when farmers would toss bean bags onto raised platforms with holes in them.

The modern version of the game uses boards with holes and bean bags filled with plastic pellets. The game gained popularity during the 2000s and is now played by millions of people worldwide. If you are into sports drinking games, you should also look at the FIFA Drinking Game.

Fun Facts

  • The American Cornhole League (ACL) was formed in 2015 to organize and standardize the game.
  • The first World Championship of Cornhole was held in 2006 in Athens, Ohio.
  • The highest recorded score in a cornhole game was by Derrick King and Jamie Graham. They scored 107 out of 120 in a match in 2009.
  • The longest cornhole game recorded lasted for 29 hours and 43 minutes in 2018.
  • There is a movie called “Cornhole: The Movie,” which tells the story of four friends competing in a local cornhole tournament.

Equipment Needed

The equipment needed to play the cornhole drinking game is minimal. All you need is a cornhole board, bean bags, and drinks. The board is made of plywood and has a hole at the centre. It should be 2 feet wide and 4 feet long.

The bean bags should be 6 inches by 6 inches and filled with plastic pellets. The bags should be made of durable material, as they are thrown multiple times. Lastly, you need drinks! Choose your favourite beverage, and you are good to go!

How to Set the Game Up

Cornhole board for the cornhole drinking game

Setting up the cornhole drinking game is easy. Place the boards at both ends of the playing area, approximately 30 feet apart. One team should start at the board on the left, and the other team should begin at the board on the right.

Place the bean bags on the starting board, with the first team getting four bean bags each. You can assign a scorekeeper to keep track of the score.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Play and the Rules

  • The first team throws all four bean bags from their end of the playing area. They should aim to toss the bags into the hole or as close to it as possible.
  • The second team then takes their turn to throw. If a bean bag lands in the hole, it is worth three points. It is worth one point if it lands on the board but not in the hole.
  • The team with higher points from the previous round throws first in the next round.
  • If a team scores 21 points, they win the game.
  • If a team scores points, they can distribute drinks to the other team. The number of drinks is equal to the number of points scored.
  • If a bean bag misses the board entirely or if it lands on the ground before hitting the board, it scores zero points.
  • If a player steps over the foul line during a throw, it is considered a fault, and the throw will not count.
  • If a player spills their drink during the game, they are penalized by forfeiting their next turn.

Cornhole Drinking Game Triggers

Group of friends drinking beer

If the triggers above are not your cup of tea, then here are ten more different rules you can use to create a fun and competitive drinking game:

  1. Every time someone misses the board, they have to take a sip of their drink.
  2. If you get a beanbag in the hole, everyone else has to take a shot.
  3. If you get a beanbag on the board but not in the hole, the person on your left has to take a sip.
  4. If you knock someone else’s beanbag off the board, that person has to take a sip.
  5. If your opponent gets a beanbag in the hole, you have to take a shot.
  6. If you get three beanbags in a row on the board, you get to make a new rule.
  7. If you get four beanbags in a row on the board, everyone else has to finish their drink.
  8. If you get a beanbag in the hole and your opponent tries to knock it out with their beanbag, they have to take a shot.
  9. If you get a beanbag off the board, but it bounces back on, your opponent has to take a sip.
  10. If you and your opponent tie in points at the end of a round, everyone has to take a sip.

Of course, these rules are just a starting point – feel free to get creative and come up with your own. The key is to have fun and keep things lighthearted!

Moreover, if you like something more challenging and that involves more booze, then you should have a look at the Arrogance Drinking Game!

Bonus variants for the Cornhole Drinking Game

  • Have a different drinking task assigned to each bean bag. For example, if a bean bag lands in the hole, the other team has to take a shot.
  • Play with multiple teams instead of just two. This makes the game more competitive and challenging!
  • Set a time limit for the game. The team with the highest points when the time runs out wins!

Tips and Tricks to Win the Game

Tips and tricks for the cornhole drinking game

If you want to win the Cornhole Drinking Game, the key is consistency. Practice perfecting your throw, keeping your arm at the same level when throwing, and keeping your wrist stiff. Additionally, aim for the centre of the board or the hole for maximum points!

Drinking Games like Cornhole Drinking Game

If the Cornhole Drinking Game isn’t your cup of tea, then you can consider the Beer Olympics Games. The Beer Olympics Games are a series of short games that are played with a group of people that revolve around drinking beer. Some of the most popular games include beer pong, flip cup, and quarters. These games are perfect for someone who wants to try something different from the traditional beer pong or cornhole.

Another fun drinking game that you can play is the Chandelier Drinking Game. This game involves hanging a group of solo cups from a chandelier or ceiling and attempting to bounce ping-pong balls into the cups. If someone makes a ball into a cup, they get to choose which cup any other player has to drink from. This game is perfect for those who love a little bit of chaos.


The Cornhole Drinking Game is a fun way to spice up your next party. Whether you’re a seasoned Cornhole player or new to the game, the Cornhole Drinking Game guarantees a fun and exciting time. The original game originated in the United States and has become incredibly popular worldwide, with variations and official rules available online.

When it comes to equipment, all you’ll need is Cornhole boards, bean bags, and beer. Finally, remember to keep practising your throw, aim for the centre of the board or the hole, and keep your wrist stiff for maximum points. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be sure to impress your friends at your next backyard party, cheers!