Home » How to Play The Fuck You Pyramid Drinking Game

How to Play The Fuck You Pyramid Drinking Game

Looking to add some flavour to your upcoming friend gathering? Want to spice up the mood at your party? The fuck you pyramid drinking game is the only option. Also known as the pyramid game and ride the bus (don’t ask why). Thanks to this entertaining and quick-paced game, your typical evening is guaranteed to become an extraordinary adventure. Get ready for a voyage that will be full of fun, companionship, and, of course, a little healthy competitiveness by grabbing your favourite beverages. 

Picture of a pyramid to represent the fuck you pyramid drinking game

In our step-by-step manual, we’ll walk you through the guidelines and tactics for playing this exhilarating drinking game. Therefore, let’s get started and discover how to play the fuck you pyramid drinking game!

The equipment you need

Make sure you have everything you need before starting:

Number of Players

Minimum two-player requirement. However, the more the merrier. 

Step 1: Creating Your Pyramid

Playing cards should be arranged face-down in a pyramid shape, with one card in the first row, two in the second row, and so on, until there are a total of 10 cards. The pyramid should resemble the following:

Pyramid drinking game set of deck cards.

Taking turns, each participant pulls a card from the pyramid. The quantity of sips they must consume is equal to the card’s worth. Take five sips, for instance, if you draw the number 5 in hearts. Everyone else drinks how many sips that face card (Queen or Jack) signifies (for example, the Queen represents 12 sips).

The next step is for the player to face down and swap the drawn card for another one from the pyramid.

Step 2: Special cards (a.k.a; the juicy cards…)

There are a few unique cards in the fuck you pyramid game that add some flavour:

  • Aces: Everyone has to finish their drink if an Ace is drawn.
  • Jokers: Wild cards are jokers. Any players of their choosing may get drinks from the players who draw the Joker.
  • Kings: Whoever draws a King is deemed to be the “King.” They can impose a rule on the other players (such as no cursing or pointing). Anyone who disobeys the law is given a drink.

Step 3: Strategy and Tactics

  • Keep an eye on the pyramid’s structure and try to target cards with smaller sips (or if you feel thirsty, go for it).
  • Watch out for Aces and Kings; they can be game-changers!
  • Stay sharp and be ready to implement creative rules if you become the King.

Step 4: Enjoy Responsibly

It’s important to play the fuck you pyramid drinking game responsibly, even though it’s a lot of fun. Be aware of your limits when it comes to drinking. Always make sure that everyone in your party has access to drivers or other forms of transportation. And drink plenty of water in between drawing cards! 

Additional similar drinking games to explore:


Congratulations! The fuck you pyramid drinking game is now at your level. This game ensures an evening full of priceless memories and nonstop laughter thanks to its distinctive rules and elements of chance.

Always remember to enjoy yourself, drink sensibly, and look out for your friends. So grab your friends, build your pyramid, and start playing! Cheers!

One more thing: If you think this game is not for you, we have a couple of other suggestions below!

Drinking Games Like Fuck You Pyramid 

1. Kings Cup

Avoiding being the one to draw the final King from the deck is the objective in King’s Cup.

  • Place a deck of cards face-down in a circle.
  • There is a particular rule that goes with each card. Drawing a seven might indicate that everyone to your right drinks, while a ten might indicate a gathering where everyone drinks.
  • Players take turns drawing cards and completing the corresponding task. The final drawer loses and is required to finish their drink.

2. Flip Cup

Flip Cup’s objective is to have the first team successfully flip all of its cups by drinking first and then flipping them.

  • Teams of players are formed.
  • Each player has a cup in front of them that is filled with their beverage.
  • Players take turns drinking from their cups and then trying to flip them by flicking their fingertips around the rim. When a player successfully flips their cup, their teammate goes next.
  • The group that flips all of its cups first wins!

3. Power Hour

The goal of the Power Hour game is to consume one beer shot every minute for an hour.

  • Set a 60-minute timer.
  • Participants drink one ounce of beer every minute.
  • Maintaining the pace for an hour is difficult without missing a shot.

4. Quarters

The objective is simple, players need to knock a quarter off the table and into a beer cup in the game Quarters.

  • The players gather around a table and a cup of beer at their place.
  • Each participant’s goal is to successfully bounce a quarter off the table and into the cup.
  • If successful, the player selects a different opponent to sip from the cup before refilling it for the following round.

5. Never Have I Ever

The reveal game Never Have I Ever aims to allow participants to express their own stories.

  • Each participant takes a turn, starting a sentence with “Never have I ever…” and finishing it with something they’ve never done (for example, “Never have I ever travelled to Europe”).
  • Anyone who has followed the instructions in the statement is required to consume alcohol.
  • The game’s objective is to learn intriguing facts about each other while enjoying your drinks, and it continues with players taking turns sharing their experiences.

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