Home » The Exciting Pirates of The Caribbean Drinking Game

The Exciting Pirates of The Caribbean Drinking Game

Hear ye, hear ye! Avast, all ye landlubbers and gather ‘round for a journey across the high seas. We’re taking you on an adventure with the most swashbuckling of them all, the Pirates of the Caribbean Drinking Game! Brace yourselves as we go through the movie while taking numerous sips and shots throughout the way.

Pirates of the caribbean drinking game

This is not your ordinary movie marathon – this cinematic adventure will get you drunker than a sailor on shore leave. So, grab your grog and get ready for an adventure like no other!

Also, before you start, you might want to have a look at the FIFA Drinking Game instead of watching a movie with your pals if that’s something you would be up for!

Anyway, first things first, this game is strictly for adults above the legal drinking age. It’s not meant for binge drinking or getting blackout drunk; it’s all about having a good time while watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Have plenty of water ready to avoid dehydration, and don’t forget to throw in some snacks to munch on in between drinking. One more thing: don’t drive under the influence, and always drink responsibly.

Equipment Needed

To play the Pirates of the Caribbean drinking game, you’ll need a few things: the movies (duh), some rum (or your preferred drink), and a list of drinking triggers.

Below are all the movies with some of the most popular triggers for sips and shots!

The Curse of The Black Pearl

Pirates of the caribbean drinking game

Now, let’s start with the first movie. In the Pirates of the Caribbean drinking game, take a sip when you see young Elizabeth racing across the cliff. Take another one when she falls off and lands in the water. Drink if Elizabeth speaks in the pirate vernacular. With every mention of the word “sparrerows” (sparrows), take a sip. Sip when Will’s sword skills are highlighted, and take another one when Captain Barbossa crosses the line, which, let’s admit it, is pretty much throughout the whole film.

Take a sip every time Captain Jack Sparrow says “Savvy” (which is quite a lot, by the way). Take a shot every time someone says “Captain” (you’ll soon realize that everyone keeps calling everyone else that). Also, drink when you see any of these triggers: the mention of a pirate’s code, Jack’s hat being stolen, or Elizabeth fainting (…which is way too many times for any movie).

Here are a few more triggers that can be used:

  • Jack says, “Savvy”
  • Elizabeth faints or stumbles
  • Will draws his sword
  • A pirate says, “Savvy?”
  • Someone says, “Captain” 
  • Jack makes a witty comment
  • Barbossa says “The code”
  • A cannon is fired 
  • An explosion occurs 
  • Jack drinks rum 

Take breaks In Between Movies

Moving on, if you’re planning on playing the game for all five movies (as most people do), you’re going to want to pace yourself. For the sake of preventing a brutal hangover, it’s best to stretch out the game over the course of a few days. Watching around two movies a day should do the trick.

Take breaks in between each movie to rehydrate and eat some food. If you’re feeling brave, you could also switch up the rules for each movie, making the game even more unpredictable and fun.

Dead Man’s Chest

Dead Mans Chest movie playing the pirates of the caribbean drinking game

Now for the second movie of Dead Man’s Chest. Every time Davy Jones smacks his tentacle on something, take a sip. Take another sip whenever there’s a reference to Will Turner being a blacksmith. Don’t forget to drink when anyone is referred to as a “fishy folk,” and take a shot when Captain Sparrow hands over the Black Spot. Need a refill? Take a sip every time someone says “Bootstrap Bill.”

Here are a couple more trigger points, drink whenever:

  • Jack runs away or gets captured
  • Davy Jones mentions his heart 
  • Elizabeth slaps someone 
  • Will gets in a fight 
  • Someone says “parlay”
  • Gibbs drinks rum 
  • An octopus tentacle is visible 
  • A crew member “falls down” 
  • A double entendre is made 
  • The Kraken appears 

Additional traditional drinking games to discover:

World’s End

In At World’s End, let’s start by taking a sip whenever someone pops open a jar of dirt. Take a shot every time Will says something emo and angsty and every time you hear the word “Calypso.” It might be hard to keep up with, but let’s take a sip every time Sao Feng switches between Chinese and English. And, of course, a sip when Jack Sparrow sacrifices his beloved Black Pearl in the end.

To stay in the spirit of adventure and fun, drink whenever:

  • Jack does something unexpected 
  • Davy Jones appears 
  • Tia Dalma speaks in rhyme 
  • Elizabeth or Will confess their love 
  • A ship is destroyed 
  • A character switches allegiances 
  • Barbossa talks about food 
  • Jack slurs his words 
  • The East India Trading Company is mentioned 
  • A sword fight breaks out 

Stranger Tides

Now that we’ve finished up the first three instalments let’s dive into the fourth, On Stranger Tides. Take a shot whenever Jack tricks somebody or gets double-crossed, and a sip each time he references his “sturdy vessel.” Take another sip when we see someone say, “Davy Jones’s Locker.” A shot should be taken when Jack says, “Drink up me hearties, yo ho!” and when the zombies are mentioned. Lastly, take a sip every time Angelica accuses Jack of something.

Here are couple more triggers to have the most fun watching this film, drink whenever:

  • Jack references his father 
  • Blackbeard uses his sword 
  • A mermaid sings 
  • Someone says, “Fountain of Youth.” 
  • A character lies 
  • Gibbs makes a quip 
  • Jack is captured 
  • An animal makes an appearance 
  • A ship is destroyed 
  • A character drinks poisoned liquor 

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dead Mans Tales. The Pirates of the Caribbean Drinking Game for a night out

As we come to the close of the Pirates of the Caribbean drinking game, let’s wrap it up with the often-forgotten Dead Men Tell No Tales. Begin by taking a sip every time Captain Salazar makes his entrance and exit (which is a lot). Another sip should be taken every time you hear mention of “The Trident of Poseidon.” Every time Captain Barbosa is referred to as “He who betrayed us all,” take a shot. And as the grand finale, take a shot when Will Turner reappears, finally free from the Flying Dutchman.

To keep the adventure going and the drinks flowing, drink whenever:

  • Jack mentions his compass 
  • Carina references astronomy 
  • A ship is destroyed 
  • Jack runs away 
  • A character mentions “Poseidon’s trident” 
  • Salazar appears 
  • Someone says, “Dead men tell no tales.” 
  • Barbossa is referred to as “Hector” 
  • The Black Pearl appears 
  • Jack drinks rum 

5 Fun Facts About The Movies

Now, let’s get to know the Pirates of the Caribbean movies a little better with these fun facts:

  1. The first movie, The Curse of the Black Pearl, was based on a theme park ride at Disneyland.
  2. The first movie also starred Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, despite Disney executives being initially sceptical of his quirky portrayal of the character.
  3. Keira Knightley’s character, Elizabeth Swann, was originally written to be a damsel in distress, but Knightley convinced the writers to give her a more active role.
  4. Geoffrey Rush, who plays the villainous Captain Barbossa, based his performance on the legendary actor Robert Newton, who played Long John Silver in the original 1950 adaptation of Treasure Island.
  5. The fifth and most recent movie, Dead Men Tell No Tales, features a cameo by Paul McCartney as a pirate named Uncle Jack.


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the Pirates of the Caribbean drinking game – if you can still stand upright, that is! Watching this iconic adventure series in tandem with a drinking game elevates the entire experience of watching the movies.

With every sip and shot, it’s hard not to feel like you’re a part of the crew navigating through unknown dangers and shouts of “ahoy!” The mix of action, laughter, and alcohol creates a perfect concoction that will leave you with memories to cherish. A word of caution, though – drink responsibly. Otherwise, you might end up walking the plank instead of walking home. So, set sail, drink up me hearties, and cheers!

However, if you think this is not your cup of tea, you should check out my blog about 25 exciting drinking games without cards!