Home » The Fun Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game

The Fun Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game

Have you been wondering how to play The Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game? I’ve got you covered!

Unleash your inner magic, because we’re delving deep into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets with a twist that’s sure to make your movie night an enchanted evening. The Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game is the perfect concoction of wizardry and social fun!

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets drinking game

Grab your butterbeer — or beverage of choice — and get ready to cast some spirited spells of your own. Here’s everything you need to know to host a magical movie night!

Before you delve into the guidelines for the Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game, how about giving the Indiana Jones drinking game a whirl? It’s an exciting twist to your regular game night and promises just as much fun.

Anyway, let’s get cracking with the rules below!

Equipment Needed

Before the wands are waved and the films roll, you’ll need to stock up on more than just popcorn. Here’s the equipment list you must prepare:

  • Video Setup: A DVD or digital download of Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, a robust viewing screen or projector, and comfortable seating for every participant.
  • Magic Mugs: Select your favourite drinkware, whether it’s an elegant goblet, a novelty mug, or a crafty chalice.
  • Ammunition of Alcohols: Stock up on the house elixirs or your preferred potion. Suggest equal parts planning and safety, as we respect the rules of the wizarding community and moderation here on muggle earth.
  • Water and Snacks: Stay hydrated with the muggle staple, and stock up on nibbles to keep energy levels aloft for a long night.

With your table set like the Hogwart’s Great Hall, let’s dive into the spells that will turn a regular movie experience into an immersive, themed event!

ideal cups


✅ Assorted colours to match any occasion

✅ Value pack of 240 cups

✅ A must-have party item 

The Rules

When it comes to drinking games, it’s always about the play as well as the potion. Here’s how to play The Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game:

The Base Rule: Every player should have a drink at the ready. Throughout this viewing session, certain scenes will trigger spells that affect the drinking players. Remember, abide by the laws of your land, and never force anyone to take part.

Special Spells: Players will drink according to the movie’s actions. We encourage creativity as you concoct your own wizardly rules.

Potion Management: Knowing your limits is essential, so always ensure you drink responsibly and never apparate while under the influence of potions.

Step-by-Step Guide

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets drinking game with friends

Now, let’s walk through a step-by-step process to prepare for and enjoy the Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game.

Step 1: Set the Stage

Decorate the viewing area with Harry Potter-themed elements. A dimly lit room with floating candles, or banners representing the four houses, adds a touch of authenticity to your wizarding world.

Step 2: Prepare the Potions

Give your brews magic-themed names (e.g., ‘Firewhisky,’ ‘Polyjuice Punch’). Consider pre-mixing cocktails or setting up a DIY drinks station with a range of ingredients for a mix-and-match experience.

Step 3: Assign the Team Quizzitch

Make or purchase house scarves or emblems that players can wear. House representation brings out the competitive spirit in a friendly and fitting way.

Step 4: Make a Mischief-Managed Pact

Gather everyone for a witty wizard’s oath against any disruptive drunk dialing or unseemly spells. Mutual respect among muggle and magic folk is vital.

Step 5: Engage in a Wizard’s Duel

Before hitting play, hold a mock duel to determine who gets the honor of playing the movie. Whether it’s a physical or mental challenge, the winner must embody the spirit of their character zealously.

Drink Once Every Time

Let’s get to the heart of the potion with the spells that you will cast throughout the movie.

  • …Harry Potter saves the day.
  • …Gilderoy Lockhart exhibits narcissistic tendencies.
  • …You hear the voice of Tom Riddle.
  • …A warning is delivered in the voice of Dobby.
  • …A moment in the Weasley’s Wondrous World is showcased.
  • …The school gets a surprise visitor from the world of magic.
  • …The Weasley twins cook up trouble.
  • …There’s a grim appearance by the Chamber’s petrified victims.
  • …Spiders skitter across the screen.
  • …Fawkes, the phoenix, lights up a dark moment.

Drink Twice Every Time

  • …Moaning Myrtle starts wailing.
  • …You witness the clock strike the magic hour.
  • …Ron’s broken wand malfunctions.
  • …An impromptu feast is announced.
  • …There’s a covert conversation in the invisibility cloak.
  • …Ginny blushes.
  • …The house elves lament their existence.
  • …You observe a spat between a magical artifact and a muggle one.
  • …The Weasley siblings argue playfully.
  • …You spot a Dark Mark or its precursor.


Why not stir the cauldron a little and introduce a twist to the Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game? Injecting an element of surprise can escalate the excitement exponentially. Remember, it’s essential to keep your goblet filled with water alongside your favourite potion, and have some magical munchies at your disposal. This way, you’ll be able to partake in the fun all night long without suffering from any unwanted side effects come dawn!

Finish Your Drink Every Time

  • …The mystery of the chamber is momentarily solved.
  • …You realize who has been petrifying the students.
  • …Ginny’s narrative reaches a climax with Tom Riddle.
  • …Hogwarts is saved from doom.
  • …The phoenix makes a grand exit.
  • …Dobby is freed or regales you with the Tale of the Sock.
  • …A picture taken with Lockhart is proved to be false.
  • …Nearly Headless Nick is nearly forgotten.
  • …Moaning Myrtle is involuntarily silenced.
  • …The inglorious celebrity of the Non-Wizard is highlighted.

By following these drinking triggers, your wizarding movie night will be filled with laughter and plenty of magic. Remember, the spirits are high, but with each sip, stay responsible and mindful of the journey ahead.

🤩 Additional similar drinking games to explore:

5 Fun Facts About The Chamber of Secrets

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets drinking game in the weekend

Become the master of Potter trivia with these delightful behind-the-scene secrets:

  • The production team built a stunning 50-foot basilisk skeleton for the duel scene with Harry.
  • The actors who played Crabbe and Goyle – Jamie Waylett and Josh Herdman – switched roles for a scene as a prank.
  • The line “It’s all right, I’m incredibly famous” was improvised by Kenneth Branagh (Gilderoy Lockhart) and his gentle ribbing of his own celebrity.
  • A fan of the movie set a Guinness World Record for the most memorabilia collection with more than 3,000 items.
  • The Whomping Willow on the Hogwarts grounds was a real, functioning prop that could swing and smash cars.


The Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Drinking Game is a delightful escape into the magical world of Hogwarts for those of age. It combines the joy of communal movie-watching with the inventive fun of a social drinking game.

Remember to play in a safe environment, with trusted friends, and always make sure to drink water and never drink and broom-ride! Whether you’re a die-hard Harry Potter fan or simply love a good movie night, this game is the perfect way to infuse a beloved film with a spirit of camaraderie and fun.

So, raise your glasses — and your wands — to a night of potions, spells, and unforgettable memories. Accio beverages, and let the game begin! Cheers!