Home » What Is The Chandelier Drinking Game

What Is The Chandelier Drinking Game

Few games can compare to the contagious excitement and camaraderie of the chandelier drinking game in the area of social gatherings. The chandelier is a game that draws people together for a night of laughs, drinks, and wonderful experiences. It blends talent, luck, and a generous dose of friendly competition.

A group of friends playing chandelier drinking game in the garden

So, grab your pals and let’s enter the thrilling and captivating world of bouncing ping pong balls and lifting glasses!

Quirky and Amusing Facts About Chandelier Drinking Game

Origin: It’s said that the chandelier drinking game first appeared at college parties. Creative students used a chandelier-inspired cup arrangement to turn a simple game of beer pong into a glittering display.

Architects of Fun: Setting up the chandelier cups calls for a sense of proportion and an aesthetic sense. Some players take great delight in designing intricate cup formations, adding bends and twists that test even the most experienced bouncers.

Bounce Like a Pro: Just like an experienced athlete, a skilled Chandelier player develops special bounce strategies and distinctive shots that boost their chances of landing ping pong balls in adversary cups. Even some players mockingly call their moves “chandelier chucks” or “goblet shots.”

The equipment you need

Number of players needed

Minimum two-player requirement.

Two pints of beer

Setting the Stage: Creating Your Chandelier Arena

It takes a little preparation before you can really enter the magical world of the chandelier drinking game. Picture a table covered in a variety of plastic cups that have been carefully placed to resemble a chandelier. A constellation of smaller cups surrounds the bigger “centre cup,” which serves as the focal point (more than one cup can be used in the centre).

Each cup is positioned to be struck by a well-aimed ping pong ball. It immediately transports you into an atmosphere of competition and laughing, building the groundwork for an evening of amusement for everyone.

Additional similar drinking games to explore:

How to Play Chandelier

The chandelier drinking game’s central idea is as straightforward as it is fun: just bounce a ping pong ball into several cups and watch the fun. Simple rules open the door for exciting moments that keep participants interested and fired up throughout the game.

  1. The Bouncing Begins: Firstly, as the game begins, players take turns trying to hit a ping pong ball into one of the ready cups on the table. The game’s goal is to have the ball land in your teammates’ cups. So, after a successful shot, the cup’s holder must respond immediately by graciously accepting the challenge, drinking the contents, and then quickly refilling the cup.
  2. The Center Cup Triumph: Secondly, as the game progresses and the cups gradually fill and empty. The anticipation builds towards a moment of high drama – the central cup challenge. This pinnacle moment arrives when a player expertly sinks a ball into the centre cup. The consequence? All players must scramble to grab a ball and launch it toward the remaining cups to avoid the impending penalty.
  3. The Flow of Fun: Thirdly, the rhythm of the chandelier drinking game mimics the natural ebb and flow of life’s celebrations. Cups are emptied and refilled, laughter and cheers reverberate, and camaraderie flourishes as players engage in friendly competition. Maintaining a vigilant eye on the liquid level in your cup becomes essential. Find yourself caught off-guard by an unexpected swig.
  4. The winner: Lastly, the excitement mounts as the chandelier drinking game nears its conclusion. The game continues until a ping pong ball successfully lands in the coveted centre cup. The player who achieves this feat earns the esteemed title of “Winner,”. It is often granted the privilege of initiating a collective toast. This final moment of unity and shared victory cements the memories forged throughout the game.
Young people enjoying a social event by playing chandelier drinking game


As you consider your next gathering or social event, why not introduce the chandelier drinking game to your repertoire of entertainment? It is more than just a game. It’s a catalyst for laughter, a platform for friendly rivalry, and an opportunity to create lasting memories with friends and loved ones.

With each bounce of the ping pong ball and every toast shared, the game illuminates the path to fun evenings filled with camaraderie, cheer, and the joy of being together. So, raise your glasses and embark on a journey where bouncing, sipping, and laughter collide!