Home » The Exciting Rick and Morty Drinking Game

The Exciting Rick and Morty Drinking Game

Have you ever wondered how to play the Rick and Morty Drinking Game? I’ve got you covered!

Embark on a boozy interdimensional journey with Rick and Morty that’s as wild as it sounds. Imagine a game that assembles the iconic misadventures of everyone’s favourite alcoholic scientist-grandpa and his hapless grandson, mixing it with the excitement of a classic drinking party — and you’re not even close to the true blend of madness and merriment we’re about to unfurl. Whether you’re a seasoned fan who’s weathered through the ever-collapsing multiverse or a newcomer just opening to the possibilities of alternate realities, this guide is your Stargate to an unforgettable escapade.

Rick and Morty drinking game

Before you jump Szechuan sauce-first into this drinking game, it’s essential to gear up your understanding with a comprehensive walkthrough — ensuring you’re equipped with the rules, equipment, and enough ‘glug’ in your tank to survive the night!

Before you immerse yourself in the exhilarating rules of the Rick and Morty drinking game, why not give the Family Guy drinking game a whirl? It’s another fun-filled rollercoaster ride that promises to keep your spirits high and your laughter louder. Don’t miss out on this unique blend of humour and competition!

Anyway, lets get cracking with the rules below!

Equipment Needed

Just like any interdimensional adventure, a good Rick and Morty Drinking Game requires the right equipment. You don’t need a sophisticated, plutonic-bond-enhanced setup, but a few must-haves to get the party squinching:

Equipment Needed:

  • A TV or projector: To stream or show your favourite episodes of Rick and Morty. High-definition visuals are preferable to capture every nuance of the show’s animation and scenes.
  • Speaker system: Crank up the volume to hear every warp and belch, especially when Rick is involved.
  • A spacious venue: Whether it’s a council of friends in the apartment or a grand gathering at a housewarming portal, you have enough room to move, drink, and laugh.
  • Drinks and snacks: To sustain and officially inebriate the players as per game rules. Alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages are based on the participant’s choice.
  • Props (optional): Wubba Lubba Dub Dub banners, Plumbus centrepieces, or even a Mr Meeseeks that guests can pose with. The more thematic, the better.

Now that we’re prepped with materials, let’s power up our particles and delve into the game’s black oiled depths.

The Rules

The rules lay down the governing structure of the Rick and Morty Drinking Game — the scripture of cosmic typologies, if you will. Here’s the Prime Directive:

  1. Consent and Respect: Everyone participates of their own will, and any challenges or rules can be refused without consequence.
  2. Slurred Speech and Squanching: Rules should be simple, in the spirit of the show, and ‘squanch’ the viewing with laugh-inducing moments.
  3. Multiple Dimensions of Play: Flexibility ensures the game can be adjusted based on group size, alcohol tolerance, and the season of Rick and Morty being watched.
  4. Safety First: Drink responsibly. This is a game of fun and friendship, not of inebriation and indisposition.

Now, with the P-constant established, we can move on to the main event!

Step-by-Step Guide

Rick and Morty Drinking game with friends

Prepare your mind, liver, and sense of wonder. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Assemble your fellow partygoers. Ensure they’re as eager to down drinks as they are to jump into quantum uncertainty.
  2. Ensure your watching area is set with seating (or space for those who prefer to pace) and all requisite viewing equipment is operational.
  3. The game can start at the very first “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!” by Rick. This incantation shall be your rallying cry for cosmic adventure and drinking.
  4. Upon each trigger in this guide, follow the allotted drink dosage; as the game progresses, the inebriation and hilarity levels will climb exponentially.

Drink Once Every Time

  • Portal Appears: One sip for each rip in spacetime, except when portal-surfing rules apply.
  • Morty Complains or Whines: It’s his defining trait. Embrace it with a drink, but not too many.
  • Interdimensional Cable: Each commercial break risks reality’s fabric; drink in solidarity.
  • Rick Tinkers with Sci-Fi Tech: A scientist’s work is fraught with peril and pints.
  • Alien Language Spoken: Understandably incomprehensible, alien-speak warrants a drink for the imminent babel.
  • Jerry Displays His Loser Status: He might not have a lot going for him, but this trait is jackpot for your glass.
  • A New Rick and Morty Catchphrase is Coined: Who wouldn’t drink to historical utterances like “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!”?
  • Unity Faces Existential Crisis: A toast to Unity, the chaotic good of it all.
  • Morty’s Girlfriend/Dream Girl Appears: Heartstrings and happiness, not for Morty, but for you.
  • Evil Morty’s Soundtrack Plays: The entry of this tune categorically demands celebration of thematic villainy.

Drink Twice Every Time

  • Beth’s Daddy Issues Resurface: Paternal problems do pour generously halfway into a second drink.
  • A New Alien Species is Introduced: Our universe’s drinking habits are, in comparison, quaint.
  • A Star Trek Reference Appears: It’s like adding dilithium crystals to your drink per Gemini season relic.
  • Two or More Ricks Exist in One Scene: More Ricks, more drinks, directly proportionate.
  • A Meeseeks Dies… Again!: Life and death are trivial for the ephemeral, not for the sippy cup.
  • Szechuan Sauce is Mentioned: When diplomatic immunity dips, our cups do so inversely.
  • A Reference to ‘The Purge’ is Made: It turns every-drink-for-themselves into a social peacock event.
  • Beth Does Something Daring: Like mother, like cheers-mother.
  • Summer’s Self-Esteem Gets a Boost: It’s like watering a potted plant, but with empowerment and spirits.
  • Mr. Poopybutthole Makes a Cameo: Existence itself is a privilege. Immeasurable, but sip-able.


Why not add some thrilling spontaneity into your Rick and Morty drinking game by revamping the rules for every episode. This unpredictable twist not only enhances the enjoyment but also keeps everyone on their toes. And remember, keeping yourself hydrated and munching on some delicacies throughout is important to avoid any unpleasant surprises the next morning. So, game on, with a dash of caution!

Finish Your Drink Every Time

  • A Main Character Dies or is In Serious Peril: Though not permanent, it does hallmark a timeless, one-time chug event.
  • Beth Does Something Motherly: The cherished act warrants an emptied tank in her honour.
  • Plumbus Appears and is Explained: The ceremony behind this uneventful event dwarfs even wedding toast protocol.
  • Tiny Rick Rocks Loudly: The echoes of self-adulation culminate in a grand, thoroughly-delineated toast finale.
  • Jerry Actually Does Something Right: The stuff of myths and the substance behind ancient, hearty swigs.
  • A Reference to ‘Gravity Falls’ is Made: Like minds, like drinks – and a standard of happy confusion in any dimension.
  • Birdperson’s Existence is Acknowledged: The solemn, hallowing gesture demands an equally-ceremonious shot tribute.
  • The Post Credit Scene Mentions the Next Episode: It elevates the show’s continuity to the level of a transcendental, primordial sip.
  • Morty Proves His Intelligence: The strength and classiness of his cognition is worthy of an aristocratic refill.
  • Rick Breaks the Fourth Wall: A chance to celebrate our meta-awareness and toast to the infinite layers of reality within this one beverage

🤩 Additional similar drinking games to explore:

5 Fun Facts About the Rick and Morty TV Show

Rick and morty drinking game in the weekend
  1. Did you know that the iconic line “Wubba lubba dub dub” was ad-libbed by Justin Roiland in the recording studio? Co-creator Roiland, along with Dan Harmon, is a key mind in creating the intoxicating world of Rick and Morty.
  2. The desire for McDonald’s discontinued Szechuan sauce, featured in an episode, sparked real-life riots. It’s a saucy testament to the show’s influence.
  3. ‘Morty’s Mind Blowers’ goes full-on VR in a season three episode, an innovative step ensuring the show stays fresh, no matter the dimension.
  4. Though Rick claims to be unaffiliated with anything religious, the show’s co-creators have described him as a ‘God figure’ who is almost omniscient.
  5. Continuity is rare in the series, but Morty is ageing, as can be seen through his progression in school. Time may be relative for the show, but Morty’s clock keeps ticking.


The Rick and Morty Drinking Game is more than just sipping to screen shenanigans. It’s a communal experience that mirrors the show’s blend of unexpected gags and surprising depth. As with any journey, the destination is less important than the friends you make (and drink) along the way.

So, round up your favourite Earthlings and denizens of the multiverse, set your Interdimensional Cables to ‘The Rick and Morty Marathon,’ and let the games begin. Cheers!

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