Home » The Ultimate Jurassic Park Drinking Game

The Ultimate Jurassic Park Drinking Game

Have you been wondering how to play the Jurassic Park Drinking Game? I’ve got you covered!

Are you a Jurassic Park aficionado looking to liven up your movie nights? Or perhaps you’re a social butterfly with a penchant for prehistoric antics and, let’s say, enhanced viewing experiences? Look no further! The Jurassic Park Drinking Game is your gateway to a night of nostalgic roars, memorable lines, and, of course, your favourite libations.

The Jurassic Park Drinking Game

In this post, we’ll not only detail the how-tos of this fantastic movie-themed social event, but we’ll also provide you with behind-the-scenes tidbits, and most importantly, a word on responsible revelry. So, tighten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy, tipsy ride through the park!

Before you dive into the regulations of the Jurassic Park Drinking Game, how about giving the Indiana Jones Drinking Game a whirl? It’s sure to add an extra layer of fun and excitement to your movie night. Plus, who doesn’t love a good Harrison Ford movie?

Anyway, lets get cracking with the rules below!

Equipment Needed

What You Need for a Truly Mesozoic Mixer

Unearth those red Solo cups, dust off your ancient ale, and remember to hydrate — it’s about to get wild. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A copy of Jurassic Park movie
  • Alcoholic beverages of choice
  • Comfortable seating and ample space for various dinosaur-inspired shenanigans
  • Various snacks to complement your beverages; popcorn, nachos, or jungle-tastic fruit platters

ideal cups


✅ Assorted colours to match any occasion

✅ Value pack of 240 cups

✅ A must-have party item 

The Rules

The rules are the exhilarating core of any good drinking game. As with any proper social engagement, they’re open to a bit of personal interpretation and collective agreement. But here’s a bonesome foundation to get you started.

Step-by-Step Guide

The Jurassic Park Drinking Game with friends
  1. As the movie starts, everyone should have their chosen drink and an understanding that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  2. Throughout the film, certain dinosaur activities will prompt social feats of sipping, chugging, and much merry-making.
  3. For the more complex commands, do establish a blaring, unmistakable cry that the subsequent action can take place.

All set? Let’s glug and go through the Jurassic jungle.

Drink Once Every Time

  • For every dinosaur roar, clink those glasses!
  • When the T-Rex attacks, take a gulp — but not so much that you can’t outrun it!
  • Each time a raptor screeches, a drink eases the tension.
  • The movie’s eerie soundtrack also counts, so brace yourself — musically and melodiously — for the Chaos Theory.
  • The very first sighting of a dinosaur, even if it’s just a toe, warrants a sly sip.
  • A dino’s grand entrance — crashing through forest or fence — is a cinematic treat best paired with a swig of your beverage.
  • During any close-up of Dino eyes, respect for sheer prehistoric presence calls for a toast.
  • Ambient noises suggesting the vicinity of a large prehistoric creature demand you mimic their thirst… mercilessly.
  • Drinking during scene transitions leaves no moment untapped or untasted.
  • Any ripples in your drink as a sign of impending giant lizard magic means bottoms up, and may the force be with your liver.

Drink Twice Every Time

  • When the Brachiosaurus makes the ultimate herbivorous debut, raise your glass high.
  • A rampaging T-Rex deserves a second draft, for the thrills and the chills.
  • Velociraptors hunting in the wild: drink double, but no hunting each other for drinks!
  • Gallimimus in free fall during their escape — drink, because birds of a feather drunk together, survive together.
  • When the sick Triceratops is explained, take two for the road; also, trunks up for the underappreciated heroes!
  • Seeing the majestic long-neck sauropods fleeing from danger — that’s a spiky tail well worth two sips.
  • Whenever you see someone or something riding a dinosaur, it’s time to ride the wave of inebriation with two drinks.
  • A close encounter with the Dilophosaurus (cheerfully) spitting at its victim or camera calls for another round of spitting images.
  • An electrifying encounter with a certain tyrant lizard (not T-Rex) electrified remains a two-drinker.
  • Any watered-down encounter with the Mosasaurus demands a double take — and a double drink because its bite is worse than any alcohol-induced bark.


Why not sprinkle a dash of unpredictability into the Jurassic Park Drinking Game by shaking up its rules? This unexpected twist is guaranteed to inject an extra dose of thrill and amusement into your game night. And remember, it’s crucial to keep refuelling with water and munching on some snacks between rounds. This way, you’ll see through the evening full of laughter and camaraderie without having to worry about any unpleasant surprises come sunrise!

Finish Your Drink Every Time

  • If a dinosaur sets foot (or claw) in a room with humans, be the quickest in your herd to empty your vessel.
  • When someone gets eaten, you better chew your drink so they can see you regurgitate, fuelling their rescue attempts with your support.
  • The movie ends: finish your drink in celebration or sorrow if you didn’t survive the park.
  • At any point someone says, “Life finds a way,” that morphs into a drinking philosophy wherein you find a way to not have a drink but to finish your beverage.
  • Clever girl! When someone gets outwitted, cheers to a strategy that outdoes you.
  • In moments of triumph or tragedy, finish your drink and join the collective experience of an unforgettable film.
  • A visit to the visitor center should signal a joint venture of beverage abandonment, in memoriam of untapped potential.
  • When survival instincts trigger, knock back your drink for survival and solidarity.
  • At any feast scene, join in with your own feast of drink, but do not attempt to thoat-swallow it.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, when the park’s theme swells, fill the silence with your drinking — the orchestra demands it, life demands it.

🤩 Additional similar drinking games to explore:

5 Fun Facts About The Jurassic Park Movie

The Jurassic Park Drinking Game in the weekend

Jurassic Park isn’t just a colossal blockbuster; it’s packed with more history than a Mesozoic museum. Here are five fantastic morsels from behind the electrified fence:

  1. The T-Rex roar in the movie is a composite of dog, penguin, and tiger sounds, creating a sound so ferocious even dino-baddies shudder.
  2. During filming, the cast and crew had to rush to the loos whenever a hurricane warning was sounded — an everyday occurrence for your average dinosaur, but inconvenient for filming.
  3. The Dilophosaurus spitting venom is purely a cinematic fabrication; real dilos would have had to spit venom inside, and very sorrowfully as they know it’s bad manners.
  4. In a genius move, they filmed the cups of water to simulate dinosaur footfall — creating a water-based wave of tension that mirrored the audience’s.
  5. But the most thrilling fact? Despite the heroic efforts of the film’s accountant, nobody in the movie actually gets a tax break for surviving Jurassic Park.


The Jurassic Park Drinking Game is as much an experience as it is a test of watershed moments and good-natured inebriation. It’s about reliving the wonder of the movie that taught us all to fear and love park benches simultaneously. So, next movie night, give it a whirl and let’s raise our glasses in the shadow of dinosaurs, both fantastic on screen and extinct in reality.

So, are you ready to become the proverbial life, finding a way to your next movie night event? Gather your compadres, ceremoniously load up your game gear, and remember, if the drinks are in your hand, there are no “spared no expense” excuses, for the party is where the party be — in full, roaring swing. Cheers, and let the Velociraptor Races between TV and tribe begin!